Biomechanical Assessment and Gait Analysis

A biomechanical assessment involves an examination of the lower limbs, looking at their structure, alignment, strengths, and weaknesses. This is necessary when patients complain of pain in the foot or lower limb. A biomechanical assessment involves the analysis of the foot, lower limb and body as a whole.
This can include examinations whilst weight-bearing, non-weight bearing and during walking. The reasoning behind this is that the foot does not work alone as a single unit, it works in relation to the pelvis, legs and knee, and as a result of this issues in one area can have an impact on another.
There are many conditions…
There are many conditions where a biomechanical assessment may be beneficial, the following are some of the most common conditions;
- Shin splints
- Plantar fasciitis
- Metatarsalgia
- Runners knee/knee pain
- Limb length discrepancies
- Flat feet/High arched foot type
Our Team that treat Biomechanical Assessment and Gait Analysis

Stephanie Harris
HCPC Registration CH31569
Online Booking
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